Knife crime has become a big thing in the media lately. When you switch the news on or listen to the radio, you always here of someone being stabbed.
Teenagers seem to be the ones most affected. Todayz Teenz survey showed that 14% of teenagers carry around knifes when in town.
However, is carrying a knife around for protection just as bad as carrying around a knife with the intention of injuring someone?
Todayz Teenz is launching a competition to make a short video about knife crime and the affects it has on people.
Once you have made your video, upload it to a site such as Youtube and email us the video URL.
If your video is chosen as the best one, it will be placed on the Todayzteenz.com homepage.
So get your video cameras ready, find a few friends, act out a story about knife crime and send it to us.
Who knows, your video could be viewed by thousands of teenagers across the World.
[Please do not use real knifes in the making of your video]
Thanks. We look forward to viewing your entries.
- No swearing is to be heard in the video.
- The video must not discriminate against a group of people or be offensive in any way.
All video URLS must be sent to us by 1st October 2008.
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