
I Think Exams Are Good

I think it’s fair to say EVERYONE hates exams! They are just so stressful and annoying! Personally I am a year nine girl and I have just done my SAT's. My school made it out that nothing I had ever done in my life mattered and it was all down to what I produced in my SAT's now. I was really worried and nervous! We had a week of exams starting the Tuesday after a bank holiday Monday. That whole long weekend was dedicated to revision! We had two a day including Maths 1, Maths 2, Mental Maths, Science 1, Science 2, Shakespeare Essay Paper, Writing Paper and the English Reading Paper. So after all my revision we did them all, and to my surprise I found them all actually quite easy and I wasn't stressed at all at the end of the week! But personally, I actually think exams are quite helpful. I mean, when I take my GCSE's I am going to be really glad I did my SAT's because they give us a bit of an experience of what they are going to be like. We know what to expect now too, so it won't come as such a shock in year 11. Whereas if the Government decide to completely stop exams until GCSE's, they would come and we would all be incredibly nervous and not know what was going on. Thankfully we know what to expect now though! So after all the stress of the revision, I think it is all worth it in the end!

Article by:
Holly, 14, Wiltshire

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