There are some pretty disgusting people in this world.
The things people do and say.
It's sickening.
The news on T.V.
Always bringing more horrific events into our homes.
And of course it has to be bad to make the news.
A world at war with itself is doomed, is it not?
How are we supposed to move forward and progress if all we do it hurt one another?
Yeah, the murderer might not know his victim. But he does know that that person has a family and people that care about them, yet they still proceed in killing them?
This planet is so messed up.
So much that the people who live on it feel the need to kill themselves.
Are the people on Earth really so desperate they feel there is no other option?
We, all of us need to think about the possible consequences of our actions. Leaving someone out of a conversation in the school corridors. To you it might be a small insignificant action. But to that person you left out, how do you think they feel? How would you feel in their position?
That leads me onto another point
This is the one this that gets me the most.
Who the heck do you think you are?
Strutting around, labelling people like they’re your property.
Oh so and so he's an emo
Yeah she's a pikey
Uhoh here comes the boffin
It's just STUPID.
Every single individual person on this damned planet is different.
What gives you the right to put over...what? 6 billion people into categories?
We are all very, very different. Not only in appearance but in personality.
Until we can overcome the love of powerwe will not see the power of love.
Article by: Becki , 15, Bournemouth
Inspired by Maria Kenny & Renee Yeho.
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